Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I already wrote this blog post once a couple nights ago but when I went to add photos it deleted it. Ughh, trying to overachieve!  So maybe it wasn't meant to be and this is the post that everyone shall enjoy. Well I have had some spectular days thirst past days. Actually it all started a week ago. Wow, time sure does fly when you are having fun! 

First let's start off with my bestfriend from 7th grade came down and we went out to dinner with our husbands and kids. When we got back we were both on our cell phones sitting on the couch. I think the key to a good friendship is enjoying eachother even in the quiet moments. But at 11pm, all is fair game and we turn into giggly school girls. We have played matchmakers with our school yearbooks, made up song lyrics and drummed to Ozzy to name a few. On Saturday, we went to Myrtle Beach and on the way down it was chilly and rainy. As soon as we stepped out of the car and started walking to the outlets the sun came out and we were both happy. #100happydays I smiled and sent up a thanks to God for letting the weather clear up so we could enjoy some shopping. We checked into the hotel room before dinner and prepared our bellies for a 15 course meal of different meats! We ate at Rioz, a Brazilain steakhouse, where they keep bringing various meats out unitil you flip over your red chip to signal you are about to bust! We took this as a challenge and our own version of the Winter Olympics. We made it through all 15 meats and even ate from the salad bar. Hey don't judge there was fresh shrimp on there! #100happydays
When we got back from dinner we opened up the sliding glass door and the view looking down was breathtaking! (Picture below) We left the sliding glass door open and cranked up the heat for sweet dreams. #100happydays
Here comes late night giggles... The lamp  made a shadow of an eye and we started making shadow puppets! Another sent up "thanks to God" for my best friend and being able to just enjoy the little moments and for great husbands allowing us to go. On Sunday, we packed up and headed home under sunny skies and warmer weather...Ahhh! #100happydays.
I worked that following Monday and then my office was closed Tuesday and Wednesday! Why you ask?.......SNOW!!! I admit I'm a snowholic and there's just never enough snow for me! I just keep wanting more! I will say the state has bursted my snow bubble a little bit because we have to either take vacation or make it up. At least they give us the option of making it up because using vacation days is not an option for me due to cancer. No pity party here! Just now I can save money and extra calories by not going home for lunch. Anyways, the snow was gorgeous and I've never seen it snow hard for so long before. In total we got 7" and I got a lot done at the house. I skyped with my cousin in NJ and got to see her baby who was born in December! I was so happy to be able to see the baby because I was crushed when things did not work out to surprise her for baby shower. I was sick and being on chemo at the time made me more susceptible to getting more sick. Plus 8 hours in the car was just not doable at the time. So thank you, thank you for Skype and making it possible to see that precious baby! I also skyped with my SIL, niece and nephew! #100happydays Another thanks to God sent up. 

Onto Thursday I got my results from my CT scan I got on Tuesday! My cancer is "stable" and my oncologist thinks he has it beaten down! He even said my liver shows a slight improvement. If you are just now reading my blog you need to go back a few blog posts and catch up. :) With any scans/treatments along comes bills. However, I'm doing so well now that I can get by with a CT scan every 3 months, which is quicker and cheaper! #100happydays
I'm very thankful that while going through treatment I have been able to work and my husband has as well. I was looking for a way to offset the costs of medical bills and came across Paparazzi Accessories. Selling $5 jewelry! I thought long and hard about it because I'm not one to just throw myself out there and am reserved around people until I know them. But I figured this would be something positive to do, to focus my energy on and do something with the girls! So my business manager, AKA husband, came up with my "business name" Charmed for the Cure! I'm surrounded by beautiful women inside and out daily and now they can be real charmers! :)  I receive my jewelry on Friday and can't wait to hit the ground running! Well maybe not running but a face pace walk! My husband created my Charmed for the Cure Facebook page and I've exceeded 100 likes already and it has only been up for 2 days! So here's to #100happydays and a #100happycustomers!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!! Post pictures of all your jewelry when it comes in! I had a blast and already want to go back again.
